

hihi! How are you? I hope you enjoy this week's braindump from me. Sorry for the short hello, but I need to get off this computer right now. I haven't been doing great this week and instead of helping myself, I've been pushing through. Not smart.


Maybe I'm patient

I hope at least one of my readers appreciates the stupid ridiculousness.
I just wanted you to know that coffee is great. I forgot to include this thread on Triscuits last week, so if you haven't seen it yet, do give it a read. I also forgot to include this little bluegrass number about toilet paper. Smiles all around.

There were smiles, this week, to be sure, but I've also been struggling. I was very pleased to read this anti-productivity porn. I'm excited for colleagues who are able to sprint on helpful resources for this massive shift that's happening, but I am unable to follow suit.

For years I've been pushing forward extreme ideas. I recently wrote a book called Open is an Extreme. I have been running the marathon on systemic shifts to a more equitable society for my entire life. Other marathon inventors are trying to fix insanely complex and age-old societal problems.

Though things are looking like a particularly precarious Jenga tower, the topple is yet to come. I refuse to allow the attention economy, my own ego, envy or entropy of the moment get the better of me.

We have time. Time is all we have.

Maybe I'm mental

end the stigma badges
Ok, so not sure if you knew this, but I have a number of mental "illnesses". Diagnoses galore. For the most part, I have my shit under control. Apologies when I don't. A few things that help me cope:

1. Books and the existence of books. I read 5 books at a time. This week I started reading a comedy book. A friend went the opposite direction, picking up The Road because real life won't ever be as bad as life in The Road. FWIW the darkness inside of me loved that book, but I don't recommend it for anyone who doesn't know what the darkness is. This independent bookstore platform by the way, will be my new go-to.

2. Thinking in scale and composition. We are specks of dust in an infinite universe and none of it really matters. There is a bigger catastrophe out there. Even this pandemic is, in the course of history, a blip. I am made up of the same material as trailmix, rocket fuel or baking soda.

3. Catching things on fire. Yesterday I was frustrated after my last Greenpeace meeting. I feel like a lot of things take FOREVER at Greenpeace, and I don't understand it. I was just irritated af. So I got a beer, some powdered sugar and baking soda, some gasoline and a mini-flamethrower, and then I did the black snake experiment. I'm an adult, I'm allowed to play with fire.

Maybe I need help?

I need to get off the computer. But thanks for reading. Have a nice day.
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