
Maybe I'm antsy

Loads of anxiety this week. Illustration also from Black Dog Institute.
I'm tired of the winter, really. I thought the new year phenomenon would have me eager and motivated and enthusiastic, but instead I'm feeling lame. I don't feel like I was productive this week. In fact, I feel my brain was moving in slow motion. People say "it's ok, rest." But I feel like I've been resting for too long.

I just published some interview questions to help organizations determine whether people they're interviewing have skills in the world of open, so at least I published something.

Over a decade ago, I met a filmmaker as part of a residency I used to work at. She was there with a different project, but she and I had a few things in common. We worked together on a project idea called Alien/Citizen for a while until eventually the idea morphed, life took turns, and our collaboration fizzled out. She has persistence and heart, and she is still building, which makes me feel calm.

Maybe I'm technophobic

Horizon Zero Dawn is a "post-apocalyptic, prehistoric" open world game
There's a lot of things people do that are hard for me to understand, though I do, strangely, understand cabin addicts. I can't call everything "Art". Sometimes it's not art. Sometimes it's a mistake, humanity is non-existent and the "evolution" is actually a kind of regression. I beat Horizon Zero Dawn this week, so I'm extra sensitive to the machines shifting our social fabrics towards the negative.

And the machine builders, of course, building without pondering and questioning the ethics of it all. Often college programs like this computer science degree are experiential inside of a corporation. There's loads of programs like this. Benefits to the students are obvious as are benefits to whatever corporation they're working (mostly for free) at. What isn't immediately obvious is what insidious impacts these corporate driven programs are having – at what point is free labour expected rather than exchanged for marketable skills?

Maybe I need help?

I need motivation, drive, purpose...I don't know. How are you doing? What's giving you joy? Hit reply, please.
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