
Patron edition!

Hi Patrons! I'm in a bit of a hurry because I need to get dressed, buy some stuff, and put a rock on top of a turkey, so I'll just say HELLO. And thanks for continuing to support me – it means a lot <3>

Maybe I'm planning

It's not my hand, y'all. Photo by Alvaro Reyes on Unsplash
This week I spent a bit of time planning for how to help Greenpeace in 2020. Off the back of the Red Hat + Greenpeace Alliance (no one is calling it that), the Planet 4 team will need some support in open leadership, open mindset and open engagement.

We Are Open Co-op worked with LDR21 to design and facilitate workshops as Red Hat partners back in September. Everyone at the co-op loves working with Jen, and as it turns out, more teams at Red Hat are starting to understand what the Open Ambassadors community can do.

I've been in roadmapping mode this week. Which essentially means that at some point in the last few weeks, I figured shit out. Next year is looking to be quite kinetic. Amongst other reasons to be absolutely ecstatic about We Are Open, I'm pleased that my co-directors at the co-op are the type of people who are always trying to be better.

Maybe I'm eye rolling

Stop Sucking by @bryanMMathers is licenced under CC-BY-ND @Bryan – and if Tech Companies stop sucking?
Bright and early Monday morning (ok, it was bright, nor particularly early), I received an email about the contract for the web.

"...we have a global plan of action — the Contract for the Web — created by experts and citizens from across the world to make sure our online world is safe, empowering and genuinely for everyone. We invite governments, companies, civil society organizations and individuals to back the Contract and uphold its principles and clauses."

The principle and clauses are agreeable to my little radical brain, but the hypocritical, sarcastic supporters section makes me question the point of this exercise.

"Big tech companies are good at a lot of things, but what they seem to lack is collective empathy and heart. When humans use the things you build and you stop treating them like humans, but rather like bits and bytes and revenue dollars, you’ve given your soul away"

Google, Facebook, Twitter and loads of other corps have had years to prove themselves good citizens. But they're mammoth brains don't seem to think.


The first editor I ever had, a thousand years ago, contacted me earlier this year and asked me to write a piece for a recovery website called the Small Bow. His story is a rise to fame by a grotesque person, I found this terrifying and fascinating. Being shot out of the sky was probably the best thing to ever happen to him. Nowadays he's exploring his humanity.

"So here’s a little exercise I do when I begin to feel like I deserve more: I give something away."

Maybe I need help?

I need to get moving, there's a Thanksgiving-on-Saturday-because-I-live-in-Germany-and-that's-how-I-roll to prepare. Write me back!! Or you can:
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