
Patron edition!

A lovely patron responded last week and told me that to stop, pause, let go and de-stress, they set a series of rules for themselves. Arbitrary and simple, these rules he them "stop the dog from digging in the yard". Solidarity. Because I set rules for myself too. "No work email on the weekend" is one I've had for five years or so.

I'm in an excellent mood today. I've got a cool degree of indifference that is doing me right. Not sure where it came from, but it's good. Really, really good.

How are you?

Maybe I'm proud

I searched "proud" and stumbled upon this awesome 70s styled poster from a film that got buried. Good article too.
This week part two of my three part series on the start of the massive collaboration between Red Hat and Greenpeace went live on Opensource.com. In case you missed the first part, it's here. I'm still working to shake up the status quo inside of Greenpeace. Inch by inch. Culture change is hard, and it takes time.

There's so many people to thank, you know. I couldn't do all the things that I do without the support of many. Suffice to say I have a global network of amazing colleagues, friends and professionals? I don't think so, but if I start listing names and influences, I'll do nothing else for a long, long time. Maybe I need to connect through a meaningful art project.

I admire women who continue to be polite when dudes are dumb and there aren't enough spacesuits to go around. Meanwhile, I'm sending my friends and colleagues Rage Becomes Her and running inclusivity workshops at places like Open Source Summit Europe. I'm not aggressive, y'all, I'm driven.

Maybe I'm a clone

that episode of Archer when Krieger clones himself
Yes, let's discuss ethics of science before cats can talk, but also is it possible to feel pain without a body? I watched the first season of Living With Yourself because I think Paul Rudd is awesome. So for the last few days I've been wondering, if someone made a clone of me, what would she do?

In the production of this newsletter, the author may or may not have fallen into a clone-related internet rabbithole. To ease your fears of the matter, here is a Cloning Fact Sheet. Here is a Wikipedia article on a "Canadian-based human cloning organization" (though their website is WAY better*) and here are 13 Life Lessons, which have absolutely nothing to do with cloning but are well worth a read.

* Quote: "In the summer of 2001, following several visits from U.S. government representatives in our facilities, CLONAID™ decided to pursue its human cloning project in another country where human cloning is legal."

Maybe I need help?

I've never been superstitious and have owned several black cats. Today, when a black cat crossed my path, my brain wondered "Could they be responsible for my crippling depression!?" This is the kind of thing my brain does when I'm in a good mood.

I did more Maybe Zombies edits, working my way through the entire document my awesome proofreader put together. There's more work to be done. There's always more work to be done.

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