
Maybe I'm nostalgic

all the Thimble projects I would have to export...
Mozilla is shutting down support for a piece of software called Thimble next month. They've been planning that for a while, but of course I wasn't paying attention. Back in the day, I helped invent Thimble and the rest of "Webmaker" too. Popcorn's history has already been written. And so I think maybe the creators should write origin stories.

In an attempt to help people save the things that they made, Mozilla has partnered with Glitch. I have too much stuff to export and not enough time. Many of these things exist somewhere in my own personal archives. Facilitation activities and teaching kits I designed and wrote have been replicated here for years already.

There's an open call for board members at Glitch, and I think a lot of people in my network have skills and attitudes that would only make their board better. I considered nominating myself, but then I thought I'm already on a board, I'm shepherding this massive thing, I'm a director at We Are Open, I'm an Open Org Ambassador, and I've been shortlisted for a Digital Leader of the Year award. Some of you though, dear readers, should absolutely think about nominating yourself to the Board of Glitch.

I don't have a problem with disclosure or assertiveness. I have problems with anxiety, guilt, shame and the endless fear of not living well. Long sigh, just keep waking up.

Maybe I'm a hydro-fanatic

Last week I spoke at the Open Source Summit Europe and made a friend who turned me on to a podcast I'm now addicted to. Oh no! Ross and Carrie is hilarious. Their tagline: "We show up so you don't have to." In this week's Everything is Derogatory™, we explore Indian Style. Is it PC? Find out on some future episode of the podcast I've never recorded!

Superhydrophobia seems fascinating when there are spiders involved! And in other water-related news your in-flight shower attendant was fired.

Maybe I need help?

I need to take time again. I've just been juggling work things lately and haven't unleashed the creative in me. I need to get lost in the outside this weekend.

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