
Patron edition!

Last Friday I felt exactly the same as I do today. That the week has been too much, I still have work to do, and I really would just like to NOT do anymore work and instead unwind. My psyche doesn't allow that, of course, and I'm half-assing this newsletter because I just want to go back to work. But realizing that I told you EXACTLY the same thing last week means that it's becoming a pattern. I even have the Americano I had last week while writing to you. I don't want to fall back into the pattern of workaholism, no no no. But I am...so...erm...

It's going to be ok? What's up with you?

Maybe I'm spinning

Poster from the 1958 film the Brain Eaters
It's Friday morning, and I've just deleted the line "Sorry for the newsletter delay, I didn't feel like writing yesterday." My eyes are bleeding. The world of work has swallowed me whole. I feel the familiar stress. It's kind of nice, but it also makes it hard for me to exercise my writer muscles. Writing takes so much time.

I felt like writing last night, but I didn't. I sat in a lawn chair and thought about sending Maybe Zombies to Warren Ellis with an email he wouldn't be able to resist. I thought about starting my next writing project, a shorter term one, a screenplay. I have an idea for a ridiculous B movie.

What I don't have is a collection of links for you. I was so busy working on things this week that this link about the Loch Ness Monster probably being a giant eel is the only thing I saved.

And really, isn't that enough?

Maybe I need help?

The other day I listened to the last episode of the TIDE podcast, a tribute to Dai Barnes, and bawled my eyes out. I read one more step. My feet hurt.

Thanks for reading, even when I'm brief. Maybe you want to
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