
Maybe I'm (still) an activist

Photo by HANNIBAL HANSCHKE / Reuters
I'm leading from the Co-op side, and collaborating with the amazing Jen Kelchner, to plan deep dive workshops on Cybersecurity, NGOs & Private Sector Responsibility, Inclusivity and Tech Trends for the 53rd ICA conference. John and Grainne will be there facilitating heads of digital, CIOs and CTOs from, like, countries. Helping government officials design the future feels noble.

Meanwhile, this article tells us to beware of engaged workers and don't have a corporate responsibility program. Science is a fun time. I can find evidence that snickers bars reduce fat cells too, so maybe the WSJ should just STFU.

It's hard, you know, to have a critical and curious mind. One week you're ranting about a burning forest, and the next you're quietly sitting in a corner wondering what other context you've missed. Oopf this quote:

"A romantic anti-capitalism common among urban elites..."

Am I an urban elitist? Is my actual, practical experience with an alternative and more humane economic system irrelevant? I don't think so.

Since we last spoke, I donated to the Rainforest Trust (instead of swearing off all meat forever), and I marched with 40,000 other people for the climate and feminism and solidarity and anti-facism. There were little old ladies at the demonstration carrying flags that said "Grandmas against nazis". I mean, it's difficult, but I try. Trying matters.

Maybe I'm burning

I searched for spinster and found this on a forgotten website
The trope of an old lady spinster is a scare tactic the Patriarchy stuck in all women's heads to help us behave for our men. I experience it regularly, and if you do too, here's an article for you.

Finally, because I really need to get some other things done, Wait But Why is starting a series on all of society...should be a fun and interesting ride with horrible pictures. Learn more about that here.

Maybe I need help?

Oh, wait I shouldn't have said "finally". Another thing – Maybe Zombies is still on my mind. It's currently being proofread, and then I'll release a corrected copy. I'm too busy with paid work this week and next to properly promote it, so maybe you want to do it for me? Share my book ;) Or maybe you just want to
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