
Maybe I'm productive

A game poster from Portal 2. But also, would you listen to your future self?
I didn't send a newsletter the last couple of weeks because I was climate striking. I also have been spinning around in my head about all sorts of things. Even though the you're getting old website's visitors are 70% younger than I am, it didn't make me feel old. The amount of distance I've traveled in the universe made me feel quite young indeed.

I've returned to the "oh shit" version of my self in which I deeply question who I am and what I'm doing in life. So really, nothing much new. I've been struggling with the Passion Paradox all year. Solitude helps you self regulate, so I'm trying to get better at that.

There is a lot of work happening. Last week I stood on stage in front of a thousand people in Vienna and next week the partnership I facilitated will be public (I'm dying to share this with you!). The Co-op wrote one of the best documents I've ever contributed to for a large non-profit. On Sunday, I will travel to London to walk through said document with said non-profit and present my concept of their platform project. We also designed and facilitated workshops on Cybersecurity, the Role of the Private Sector and NGOs, Tech Trends and Digital Inclusion for government officials at the ICA53. Working with people who care about the human stuff (like Jen Kelchner) is fantastic because discussions can always be productive.

Maybe I'm nice

Cyberpunk UI library
Meanwhile, I'm tired of being nice but don't feel I have much of a choice. I've started playing the game Patriarchy Chicken, but I'm not very good at it. Still, this is healthy for both my own self perception and for men's actual physical health. You're welcome.

We know that gender neutral pronouns can help language change culture and behavior, but maybe English needs something other than they/them? There's some options in this post about stick figure genders.

Maybe I need help?

I feel pent up, and it's because I've been working too much again and let my random creative projects fall to the wayside. I found this Cyberpunk UI library but haven't used it. I've gotten loads of notes from my Maybe Zombies proofreader, but haven't implemented the feedback. I need to go in one direction, but I can't decide which direction to go in. Someone tell me what to do?
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