
Maybe I'm irresponsible

It would be irresponsible to feed the crocodile. Stolen from this post
But maybe we don't always have to take responsibility for our thoughts and feelings? Can't I just ignore some of the dark stuff and not seek to understand? Use mindfulness to, like, stay alive? I don't need to take ownership of my persistent suicidal thoughts, it's not me, it's my crazy pants. I do like articles that criticize the mindfulness movement, but I am using mindfulness for my own good. Also, our brains do endlessly fascinating stuff right up until the very end.

A poetic stance from 149 minority who worked in the Obama administration. Stand up and put your name on the list. And FFS be reflective and do your research, because if you're hippy dippying around thinking that "love" is the answer, you're probably full of bias and bullshit. Nothing is that simple.

Here's an article about women, and here's one about capitalism devouring all the things.

Maybe I need help?

Short newsletter this week because it's summer. Or because I'm tired. Or just because. Have a nice weekend. Hit reply and tell me what you're thinking!

Here's a trailer from Zombieland 2.

Here's that summer read you've been meaning to download.

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