
Patron edition!

Please enjoy this early edition of FBT! Thank you all who have been reaching out to me lately, I appreciate it. And if you haven't, please do hit reply. I love hearing what my dear patrons are up to.

Maybe I'm a Bond villain

Bryan Mathers rules. Check out the Remixer.
In an effort to annoy myself, I set up a SpeakerHub page this week. Then I deleted it. Then I set it up again. I planned my travel to the Open Source Summit. I also sent Maybe Zombies to the kind, wonderful, awesome ex-journalist who offered to police my language. I worked on my still secret Greenpeace things, which I'll be shouting about soon. The We Are Open Co-op had some project kickoffs (our fall schedule is filling up, so get in touch soon if you have work for us!), I tinkered with the Remixer (above!) and I initiated a domain transfer. I recorded a tribute to Dai Barnes for the TIDE podcast. All in all, I did stuff this week. I feel the summer lull lifting, and I'm glad. It was nice to get a few things done.

The last couple of weeks have been about recognizing and respecting that I'm in some sort of a transition. I'm pleased that it's a transition, not a rut. They've also been about grief, and what we could still experience. I'm not sure if we all suffer, but I'm fairly confident every one who reads this claptrap of a newsletter does. I'm sorry you suffer too. I'm only really interested in the first point here, the rest is just mostly bad advice on how to be happy. So the question is, am I a Bond villain if I aspire to putting low doses of psilocybin in all water supplies?

Maybe I'm burning

amazon at DuckDuckGo
My initial search for fire news
I feel like Elon Musk, and I would be friends. Not because I like his public persona or believe any of his crackpot theories, but because he's a creative weirdo who just doesn't seem to mind being ostracized. He says some infinitely idiotic things, but at least it'd be interesting. I'd call him on his BS, he'd thank me with a Tesla.

The Gall of Ghislaine Maxwell in the New Yorker made my stomach drop. The likelihood that she knew about her bff's proclivities is 100%, and that is gross. Props to people who make decisions that align with their values (privileged or not). This story has me wondering about congruent circles of influence. The world is small.

In environmental news, the Amazon is friggin burning, and it was cattle farmers who started the fire. I've been having climate nightmares anyway. It keeps getting worse. Was I critical of Loop in a past newsletter? Here's a great long read on waste management and the fact that "Reduce, reuse, recycle" was in order of preference. Fascinating, informative, maybe I should get into waste management?

Maybe I need help?

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