
Patron edition!

How are you? How was your summer? What are you working on? Do hit reply sometime and tell me your thoughts. Other patrons can attest that I am responsive and always happy to converse with people who kindly support this newsletter and all the other crap I do that isn't paid.

Do you think people realize that I don't get paid to go speak at open source events? Do they realize that writing is not in any way lucrative? Do you know that it's not the money that motivates? It's the idea that someone out there thinks this stuff is valuable enough to keep doing.

Thank you for supporting me. Really.

Maybe I'm transitioning

The Jim Henson exhibition had notes and scripts and storyboards, and I loved seeing the in-progress genius.
I've been in summer mode for a number of weeks, oscillating between a sort of "lemonade in a lawn chair" mood and the utter dread of a life poorly lived. I was relaxed this summer, I've also been quite anxious. I was inspired by a Jim Henson exhibition, and "in common with most people of artistic perception, I like trees. " Art Young

I chatted with my fabulous aunt, and I said something along the lines of "I don't know what I'm doing here." She responded that she found that self talk quite harsh and that I've done so, so many things. She told me to accept that I'm in some sort of a transition, this newsletter talked about recognizing the turn and someone tweeted me a 6 minute podcast about thresholds.

So I guess I will now work on becoming comfortable with uncertainty. And I will let you all know that I am feeling quite uncertain, and I suspect this is why.

"...although self-awareness and -agency are important, exhausted workers should not shoulder the burden of solving this problem. She believes it’s a systemic issue and that leaders may want to “ditch the ’R’ word” — resilient — because it suggests that individuals should be able to avoid or recover from burnout on their own."

Maybe I'm hectic

Somewhere on this site, someone, at some point, uploaded this image.
Summer mode is fleeting this week as my return to the Old Continent has meant an influx of work stuff. Like that one bird spinning in circles while the others are migrating across Europe, I'd barely landed and suddenly, I find myself behind on any number of things.

Not only am I not making $4 Million an hour, I have to make decisions about my time and energy. Decision making is tiresome. This week, I decided that I will not go to All Things Open this year, which means I won't get to personally thank Bryan Behrenshausen for being absolutely incredible (and this is something I feel strongly I need to do in person). I will go to Open Source Summit and talk about unconscious bias, and I haven't yet decided on the 10th year at Mozfest.

Are you going to Mozfest? Should I? Will I regret the city-hopping if I do? It'd be Friday - Sunday London and then straight to Lyon. Maybe I should take the train back from Lyon. A few days of solitude on a transcontinental train ride doesn't seem like a bad idea in the late autumn, does it? I'm trying to fly less.

I wanted to spend some time this week promoting Maybe Zombies and sending it to someone who kindly offered to proofread for me, but I haven't done these things. Oh well, there's often another day coming.

Maybe I need help?

September and October are looking quite intense at the moment, and yet somehow I feel like I will manage to complement the "lemonade in a lawn chair" mood with a "apples in fall leaves" mood. I think this is called "optimism?"

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