
Maybe I'm an introvert

Basquiat painting "Untitled 1982", Photo cc-by Laura Hilliger
Here's what happened: I had a long summer weekend far away. The weekend did not include quiet or respite, but a plenitude of input in the forms of art and culture and music and food and friends. The trip was short and the drive was long. The drive home too. I was home Sunday evening around 9pm, and a friend stayed over until Monday morning before driving the last hour and 48 minutes to Berlin.

I am not really an extrovert.

The week happened, and the co-op is looking for autumn projects. We have a lot of people wanting to chat, but not a lot of committed project budgets. The problem is – they will all come at once, and then we won't have capacity.

Last night I was quite ranty. Maybe because someone I love was mansplained so horrifically. Or maybe because I lost a job because Some White Guy™ thought it wasn't fair that I had a tiny budget and he did not*. Or maybe because both these things happened in the same week, and I'm overly sensitive because I haven't recovered from my previous weekend.

*I actually rescinded the tiny budget, which I had only accepted in an act of solidarity. It was a grossly underpaid facilitation job, and I no longer feel the need to participate in that particular space. However, the way it all went down was indicative of my experience as a women in tech, in the coop space and in fucking general.

Maybe I'm remembering

Spurious correlation
Do you find it fascinating who you remember and when and why?

I was 15 or so when my boyfriend's bff, Maurice, explained to me that I can get rid of the hiccups by holding my breath for 21 seconds and swallowing three times. I spent next to no amount of time with Maurice, but I remember him and his advice every single time I get the hiccups.

My water question last week led to such an interesting and strange cascade of memories because several people responded. I learned that "bubblers" is (possibly) the Aussie word for "water fountains", which I feel like I don't see as often nowadays. I was reminded of summer camp packing lists and borrowing my father's canteen. I remembered drinking from other people's taps and hoses, but not that one neighbour. His name was Dale, and his daughter, Jessie, was my friend, but he was nuts.

This is why I continue to write to you. You wake my brain up in fully unexpected ways. Thank you for that.

Maybe I need help?

I gave too much this week in the form of grace and empathy and I'm going to ignore everyone and everything for a bit now.
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