
Maybe I'm spread thin

from Tom the Dancing Bug
Last week I was at Mozfest House in Amsterdam, where the co-op gave a session about, you guessed it, co-ops. I also sat on a panel about Digital Public Goods, which felt like work. There were too many people on the panel (6 + 2 moderators), and the discussion was more of a screaming match between a guy who was "definitely right" and everyone else who didn't know what he was on about. I pulled on my activist mask and told the panel and the audience that we, the technologists, have made great strides. I said that if we want the world to be a better place, we have to embrace our own agency. Blah blah blah.

Longtime readers know that I swing back and forth between believing in our capacity as individuals to have positive impact and being a cynical, moody shitshow who thinks the world is screwed.

I have been swinging that continuum this week, and it's not been easy lately. I've been having a hard time getting excited about everything there is to do in the world. I've also been providing listening, compassion, understanding and interception for a multitude of people in an effort to strengthen them for the work there is still to be done.

Fake it, til you make it, am I right?

Maybe I'm telling

Take My Hand by muralist Michael Rosato
I posted on Mastodon that the details of a trauma belong to the trauma survivor. I know we might be curious as to what someone has experienced, but in the case of trauma it's a "don't ask, don't tell" situation. You don't ask people about their traumas, they offer information if they want to. And you don't tell the details of other people's traumas to anyone. This is, of course, contextual and there are situations in which you are fully unequipped and need help.

What you can do is shut up and listen. Offer support. Understand that a trauma survivor will carry a scar on their heart for, um, EVER. We use the word "trigger" a lot colloquially. The word "trauma" too. But these words mean something specific.

Maybe I need help?

I don't really need a exercise "routine" because I carry things and bike places and have a garden and lift and move and build on the regular. However, my body has suffered from all my too much brain exercise lately. I've been too exhausted to move as much as I normally do. I do not recommend following my lead on this.

Go outside and jump up and down, you'll be glad you did.
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