
Maybe I'm grounded

photo realistic image of a small cessna airplane with its landing gear down standing in a jungle clearing. Large trees and jungle canopy surround the plane and sunlight filters through them to bask the plane in light. The plane is overgrown with vegetation but otherwised undamaged.
Not what I saw in my head, but I've spent enough time trying to get Dall-e to make my art
The other night I wrote this entire newsletter in my head. I thought "Wow, that's not bad. Well done you. Too bad you won't remember it in the morning." I was correct. I can't for the life of me remember what was so important to tell you.

This week I felt a little like I couldn't get my landing gear up. Every day I'd take off, ready to fly, and then every day I'd have to quickly set the plane back down. You can't fly if the landing gear won't retract. I don't know why, but it's not safe. I guess because it isn't built for the cold of high altitudes? This is off topic.

The point is, despite my attempts to be "productive", I don't feel like I was. Not in anything. I also don't feel like I was relaxed. Not for a moment. My left eye had a bit of an infection. Everything was completely fine and super stupid at the same time. That is the ridiculous space I was living in all week.

Maybe I'm a cat owner

By Nego in Torrellas, Zaragoza, Spain, 2017.
I'm not using AI tools as much as I could be. I need to build up my habits. I forget that I could use certain brain functions less, if I wanted. What you can't get around with AI is the need for serious contemplation over what it spits out. I am not confident that reviewing AI's dumb output is actually easier then just starting from scratch.

I've started to laugh and call AI stupid whenever someone says something about how crazy/interesting/scary/adjective AI is. I'm flippant so as to avoid having to explain for the seven millionth time that hype is hype. The best explanation lately, if a bit Everything is Derogatory™, is in this talk Superintelligence: The Idea That Eats Smart People from 2016, which I stumbled upon this week.

Stephen Hawking is one of the most brilliant people alive, but say he wants to get his cat into the cat carrier. How's he going to do it? He can model the cat's behavior in his mind and figure out ways to persuade it. He knows a lot about feline behavior. But ultimately, if the cat doesn't want to get in the carrier, there's nothing Hawking can do about it despite his overpowering advantage in intelligence.

Even if he devoted his career to feline motivation and behavior, rather than theoretical physics, he still couldn't talk the cat into it. You might think I'm being offensive or cheating because Stephen Hawking is disabled. But an artificial intelligence would also initially not be embodied, it would be sitting on a server somewhere, lacking agency in the world. It would have to talk to people to get what it wants.

With a big enough gap in intelligence, there's no guarantee that an entity would be able to "think like a human" any more than we can "think like a cat". Maciej Cegłowski

Maybe I need help?

In today's closing section, some art stuff. Before I do that though, hello. I try very hard to pay attention to other people, and yet I lack the capacity to always reach out. Are you well? Do you know that this newsletter is actually to YOU specifically? You might think "oh there's loads of people on this list, she's not writing to me". This is a: untrue and 2: self deprecating, which is my thing.
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