
Maybe I'm self confident

Flower mural by OGMIllie
Our co-op was founded on May 1st and in solidarity, we don't work on that day. Which is no excuse for why i didn't write you last week, I just wasn't... Well, I didn't have anything to say. Sometimes I feel like I'm just ranting and raving and repeating myself. Sometimes my internal voices are being real dick bags. Sometimes I manage to get over myself and remember that there are people who want to know what I think. Sometimes.

I don't have the self confidence that random guy told me I had the other day.

He was a weird one. I live in a city on a little farm. Contradictory, I know, but my city is 800 years old and the farm is 300 years old and back in those days cities were different. Anyway, this guy walked by while I was in the garden and said he'd never seen me before. Because everyone exists for themselves, you see. I've been right here for over a decade. He heard my accent and informed me that I am not German, he asked where I was from. My polite niceties and too many questions later I asked "And you sir, what do you do?"

He said "Should I tell the truth?" and my internal voice said "uh ohhhh" but my mouth said "Of course," and he said "I go to the hairdresser. I put on nice clothes everyday and go to the barbershop. That's what I do."

Ok then. Here's some stuff that I do:

Maybe I'm nuanced

Map by Banksy
If you never learned to read a map, you've not been deskilled, you just never learned to read a map. That was the point of my most recent post on AI and education. The scaremongering is tiresome already, and it's coming from a bunch of different sides. There is so much nuance to think about. We've been living with AI for a good long while now. It's fascinating that in a minute, we're not going to understand anything.
"Zuckerberg puts himself front and center in a lot of Meta’s marketing. His curious IRL appearance — of a human designed by a computer or of a Styrofoam cup that a wizard decided to turn into a person but then changed his mind about halfway through..." A long, weird and funny read on the Metaverse

Also, Zuckerberg won some medals in jiu jitsu, which begs the question of whether we should let robots compete in martial arts tournaments.

Maybe I need help?

This weekend is the annual nonprofit, neighbourhood festival I've been doing for 10+ years. It used to be a few hundred people, now it's 1500+. Would be great if we had some AI robots to help us schlepp tents and stages... I guess I do need some exercise, I've been at the computer a lot lately.

How are you? What have you been thinking about? What's buttering your bread lately?
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