
Maybe I'm looking

Sherlock Holmes was a coke addict
The co-op has capacity coming up, and we've been looking around for more projects. With three people now doing all their work through We Are Open, plus several collaborators that we like to keep engaged, the pressure to find new projects is real.

At the same time, the world of technology is sort of chaotic right this second. The tech industry is laying off people left and right, there's serious ethical discussions and ridiculously non-expert hype around AI, and our global problems continue unabated towards the destruction of our species and the planet.

I'm thinking a bit about what I can do to calm to hysteria. I should probably write more about how stupid AI is. I made a note to write about the difference between AI and The Algorithm. Something about human guard rails vs chaos. A little about the AI of Facebook 5 years ago and the conversation about ethical AI today.

The techbro hype and capitalism run amok are real issues. I'm going to start standing on stages and telling people that again, I think. The world still needs thoughtful communities, activism and policy that proves that change is possible.

Maybe I'm in my body

Lovesick in Germany
A couple weeks ago I came across an online course on controlling the sensory nervous system. I thought about joining it. Then I had a look at the guy creating the course and his network and I just...rinsed my eyeballs. I think I might hate people. I did learn that Nepalese vision quests can help you reshape your materialist worldview and that some people can spend an entire year's salary on breath-work courses in Bali.

I came across the term "Emotional fluidity", which was new to me. I asked my friendly, neighborhood AI to tell me who coined the term and when. I learned about the pretty amazing Dr Lisa Feldman Barrett, a neuroscientist who studies emotion and coined the term in 2017. Emotions are bullshit your brain invents, did you know?

Sometimes I feel like if I spend any more time working on trying to control my own mind, I'd need to stop literally everything else in life. No more cooking or gardening, no more having friends or building things on the internet. No more trading websites for arbour work, ceramics or wine.

I keep doing it though. Keep trying to rewire my squishy brain. Because I know that neuroplasticity is real even if word processors always underline it in red.

Maybe I need help?

I shared a link to "canary creeper", or in German "Kapuzinerkresse" with someone this week, explaining how amazing the pesto from this plant is. Super healthy, slightly sharp, it's a flavour all it's own. It's probably an example of the Japanese "umami". I'll have to ask my neighbour to verify, she's a Japanologist. It's savoury, a bit bitter but not really.
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