
Maybe I'm dealing with in next year

Stephanie Arnett/MITTR; Getty, Envato, NASA
I'm still thinking about all the AI advancements I wrote about last week, but I'm not playing much with any of the AI tools. As with everything I think about, I've started following the money and thinking about the agenda. I've begun wondering about the sexist, racist datasets and the amount of human labor being swept under the rug.
Hopefully the entire field of "Ethical AI" isn't just a bunch of nerds spinning their wheels on the trolley problem. Surely there are some folks working in the open, with open datasets from reputable humanitarian and progressive, democratically run communal organisations focusing on training AI with anti-racist, non-patriarchal, openly licensed data.

Trying to make the world a better place is a full time job, but I'll need to get back to it next year. I'm tired and need a rest. But also, I'd love to do some work with an ethical AI group. I want a dreamy, utopian future with flying cars and teleportation devices instead of the dystopian shit show we seem to be headed for.

Maybe I need help?

I'm building a donut in the open source 3D programme Blender. The donut tutorials are infamous, and I now understand why. I've spent a fair amount of time the last couple of weeks learning Blender. It's nice to get lost in something new.

I might not be in your inbox for a bit. Or I might. Not sure, need a rest though.

Hope you and your have a nice holiday season. You're very welcome to hit reply, I'm always happy to see that I'm writing to actual humans.
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