
Maybe I'm giddy

First Steps in working openly badges
For a long time I've been a contributor to an open source community called the Open Organization. I've helped defined what it actually means to work openly and written books about the ins and outs of it. I'm proud of this work because it provides a taxonomy for the skills, competencies, mindsets and behaviours that help a person succeed in the world of technology, which, let's be fair, is just "the world". The project became a vehicle for this work, as other taxonomies and definitions didn't fit with my experience and expertise. The 5 characteristics of transparency, inclusivity, adaptability, collaboration and community are useful lenses for assessing if a person, position, community, organisation or network are working openly and to what degree.

While I was offline for a couple weeks, my awesome colleagues at WAO (/me waves at Doug and Anne) worked on creating open badges for these characteristics. We'll start by recognising people participating in the CAST* and Sport England: Innovation and Digital Accelerator, a project we're working on. Integrating this definition work with open badges feels like both a validation and a long overdue effort in recognising people who believe in a human-centred approach to work.

*Centre for the Acceleration of Social Technology

Maybe I'm showing up

Photo by Dee @ Copper and Wild on Unsplash
This week a friend who took a new job at a smaller company said that he did so because he wanted his work to have greater impact. I'm not sure we have any concept at all of how far our impact ripples. Kindness, I think, ripples further than you'd ever expect.

"There is so much power in realising that you can do something to inspire others during these dark times simply by showing up."

Have you ever died in your dreams? Not almost died and then woke up right beforehand? Because this week I died in my dream. Car drove off a cliff. I wasn't driving and I told the person to slow down right before we careened off a cliff. We hit the rocks, I flew through the windshield and then, splayed on the rocks, I closed my eyes and consciousness sputtered out. It didn't hurt and I was not afraid. I wasn't dreaming anymore. Just nothing. Sometime later I was resurrected and the surprised woman I ran into told me my grave was popular. I was dead long enough to be buried. I've never had a dream in which I actually died before, and I'm still reeling from it.

Maybe I need help?

Not a lot of links today, and to be honest, I might have already shared at least one of them. I can't remember, but reading the Hierarchy is Bullshit, I felt like I was rereading the Hierarchy is Bullshit. Oh well, never hurts to have a reminder. You're just as important as any one else on this spinning space ball. I hope you're well, it's a bit rough out there. Hit reply and let me know.
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