
Patron edition!

I'm on day 4 of a horrible migraine and am feeling all the self loathing that goes with being unable to think, move or be productive for any extended period of time. I also got 3 rejections this week, and it's 37 degrees (98.6 F) in the shade. FML.

How are you though? Doing alright? I hope so. Thanks for your continued support, I really appreciate it.

Maybe I'm unnerved

stolen from this post about feminism not being a bad word
I hit a nerve with last week's Freshly Brewed Thoughts and pissed off a (new) subscriber. He sent me a lengthy email about how I'm brainwashed and there's no such thing as gender discrimination. He wrote that racism and sexism are media lies, Trump is the best, capitalism is the only economic system that works, I'm a bleeding heart liberal and what a shame it is, this person I've become. It was a hetero-normative, white boy diatribe of hard right view points, lacking any sort of scientific basis and confrontational for no apparent reason. But it hurt, despite it's sheer idiocy.

I answered with kindness thinking that empathy is the only thing that can possibly help us. I'm cynical, but I don't want to be. Maybe if we just explain that peeing in space is difficult regardless of gender, dude will just calm down. But then I read this thread about calling a spade a spade.

As my friend Doug said this week, we need to stop whinging and get on with doing the things we CAN do. We’re in control of our actions, not other people’s. We know what the problems are, now let's work on solutions.

Don’t forget, the biggest problems are not the pickled onions in your bathwater, y’all.

Maybe I'm backward

An image that you find when you search for "late bloomer"
I've been failing left and right lately, but this article makes me feel like I've got plenty of time. Did I ever tell you what I told myself when I earned my Master's degree? I told myself I never had to achieve anything ever again. Because I successfully completed an advanced degree in a language I wasn't fluent in. I digested theories about Cyberspace and the “Virtualitätslagerung”, so I didn't have to do anything else.

Of course, I have done other things, but when I'm in this mood none of it matters. I literally finished writing a book less than a month ago, and I'm already being hard on myself about productivity and contribution.

Maybe I need help?

How do I make it stop? Also, you didn't answer me about my MZ book blurb (below) and I was asking because I'm going to start querying agents. It's summer though, maybe I should just chill...

Thanks for reading :)

Maggie works for Onyx, an underground consultancy that uses subversion to change global policies, and she’s calling them for tactical support. Onyx has access to lots of cash and is made up of do gooders who use guerrilla techniques to shift the social and technical landscape towards a more equitable society. On a business trip, Maggie develops an abscess, which leads to an incredible adventure. After an unfortunate hospital incident, Maggie is asking Onyx to help her skirt the government and figure out what exactly their corporate rivals are up to. It's a thriller that is part cyberpunk, part futurism, part technocratic intrigue with a feminist anti-heroine. Maybe this book is about zombies. Maybe it's not. Either way, it's an adventure and there's some odd stuff going on.

I need feedback and some advice on what to do next. I could also use some opinions on WTF I should put at maybezombies.com (it's a redirect at the moment). Email me. Give me constructive criticism.

If you HAVE read Maybe Zombies, I'd love more testimonials from readers!!
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