Maybe I'm joyful

by Ouizi
As spring erupts and the light returns to the planet, so too does a sense of purpose and drive. At the very least, I think, I can make my little corner of the world warm and inviting and restorative. I can keep observing as the avocado seed cracks and try to see the little root inside striving to unfurl. I can check on the bleeding heart each day and hang a new outdoor laundry line. I can battle the ground elder, look up its English name, read the Wikipedia article, raise an eyebrow at the idea of "mild sedative" and then decide that given the proximity to poison hemlock, I will not be eating goutweed.

We all have at least one good one in us, so, in honour of last week's Laura, let me just say, it's all ok.

I don't "work" on Fridays and haven't for a number of years. On Friday I do my admin and invoicing (unpaid labour), laundry and cleaning (invisible labour), gardening (labour of love) and the grocery shopping (maintenance labour). Easter is afoot and I've got a long weekend coming up. I have too many plans for it, but they are nice plans like tinkering, eating, biking and hanging out with friends.

Maybe I need help?

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