
Maybe I'm swirling

stolen from this post that I didn't actually read.
I read in the most recent New Philosopher (which I might have to subscribe to) about balance and a perspective on the Chinese concept of yin and yang. It's not a dichotomy, the author wrote, but rather a mess of continua resulting from the energies of all the things. There is no central "self", we're all just a swirling clusterfuck of energy. Sometimes there is too much Yin in a particular energy, sometimes too much Yang and the balance of those energies is what leads to peace. My energy this week is all yinned up.I just don't want to use the internet anymore. I mix up my news sources and platforms, but I'm not feeling jazzed about the state of the world. I'm reading philosophy, hyper aware that what we feel is the same thing humans have always felt, and yet this week I felt like sticking my head farther down in the sand.
Are you tired of hearing me complain? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'm sorry, really. I'm tired of it too. It's someone else's fault that I'm angry / depressed / exhausted, right?

Maybe I'm installing

An image that you find when you search for "brain chip".
Ok, to be fair, I didn't sleep well the last couple of nights so I'm a bit more out of sorts than usual. Irreverence is, however, always part of the bag, so here's some other stuff!

Elon Musk is going to help us neuralink the shit out of robot brains and human brains, and I cannot wait. I've been waiting for a while, actually. My brain is on hyper-speed mode ALL THE TIME (hence the not sleeping), and I would make an AI part of my brain my absolute slave. Did you know there's a bunch of stuff about neuron linking in my book Maybe Zombies, which is now finished and available for purchase*? I'm ready – install hardware and software made by some-other-person-or-corporate-entity-INTO-MY-BRAIN! LOL. Actually, I'm optimistic about robotics and AI for tons of reasons, for people with disabilities, this is game changing tech. It's just that we humans are so stupid and unethical :/

I don't know y'all. Let's just go to the last blockbuster video and find something to watch.

Maybe I need help?

* See what I did there? Self promotion is not my strong suit, but I'm quite proud of Maybe Zombies. It's a good read. If you haven't picked it up because you think zombies are tired, see the word "maybe" in the title. It’s 300 pages of black humor.

Does this blurb make you want to read it?

Maggie works for Onyx, an underground consultancy that uses subversion to change global policies, and she’s calling them for tactical support. Onyx has access to lots of cash and is made up of do gooders who use guerrilla techniques to shift the social and technical landscape towards a more equitable society. On a business trip, Maggie develops an abscess, which leads to an incredible adventure. After an unfortunate hospital incident, Maggie is asking Onyx to help her skirt the government and figure out what exactly their corporate rivals are up to. It's a thriller that is part cyberpunk, part futurism, part technocratic intrigue with a feminist anti-heroine. Maybe this book is about zombies. Maybe it's not. Either way, it's an adventure and there's some odd stuff going on.

I need feedback and some advice on what to do next. I could also use some opinions on WTF I should put at maybezombies.com (it's a redirect at the moment). Email me. Give me constructive criticism.

If you HAVE read Maybe Zombies, I'd love more testimonials from readers!!
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