Maybe I’m silly

Street Art by Banksy in Gaza, Palestine
Stories shape our world. Dominant narratives help people believe completely ridiculous things. Like that gender is binary (it never was and still isn’t). Or that AI is going to “change everything”. No technology has ever “changed everything”. Sure society and culture and behaviours and mindsets change and evolve and devolve and dissipate, but this is just natural flux. “Change everything” is inherently a misnomer. Everything is constantly changing. Change is the only stable thing.

Like every technology, AI tools might make things easier, but given how often it’s wrong, I’m pointed about pointing my brain at it.

“It wouldn’t do to lose track of AI’s limitations, though, as highlighted by a group of researchers at the University of Washington who tested out AI tools’ compatibility with their own accessibility needs. Their experiences were decidedly mixed, with summarizing systems adding biases or hallucinating details (making them inappropriate for people unable to read the source material) and inconsistently applying accessibility content rules.” Tech Crunch

AI cannot replace the silly weird genius that is original humanness. It’s also not all that great at providing insights. It’s ok at summarizing, but even that…I mean, reread the quote above. I want to lean more heavily on these hallucinating knowledge tools, but I also know that we run the risk of becoming boring.

AI is a hokum, I wonder what else is happening...

Anyway, if you’re looking for something to do instead of playing with AI, try embodying a squirrel and start planting seeds for a better future. You can even forget where you plant things, the forest will grow regardless. Help a neighbour, plant a tree, do something kind. The AI isn’t going to spread kindness, it cannot. Kindness is a human thing.

Maybe I'm singing

Markus, Ich will Spaß
Sometimes, especially in the winter, I wish I could be a Scientologist or a Fundamentalist or somehow Born Again and settled in my suspension of scientific logic. It would be easy to stand fast in a belief system that other people made up. I would have to reread religious texts and follow their rules, rituals and traditions. That would take time. I wouldn’t have to entertain myself. I wish my brain would allow such things.

Instead my brain stores song lyrics. All day Monday, I was singing the first few lines of the Neue Deutsche Welle song “Ich will spaß” from Markus. I watched several performances of “Mach kaputt, was euch kaputt macht” (translation: Break what breaks you”) from Ton Steine Scherben and learned about Rio Reiser, another sad sack of a socialist soul who used music to fight the system.

No, no, I don't get to be religious at all, I'm too busy storing both German and English song lyrics and wondering if I should have chosen a career as a meteorologist and outsourcing pie development and struggling to end sentences.

Maybe I need help?

Writing didn’t come naturally this week. I’m pretty unmotivated and have full winter meh vibe. Northern Hemispheric problems. What about you? How are you doing?
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