
Maybe I'm gone

Wile E. Coyote sand sculpture, aka me for the next few weeks
I'll be MIA for a few weeks as I'm finally going on a proper, leave my brain at home, stare at nature, eat too much vacation. This year my vacation schedule was not ideal. I went away at the end of February, beginning of March and since then didn't actually unwind. I didn't necessarily work the whole time, but I didn't manage to unplug. In June I went wandering and crying for a week. In July I took a week off to visit family. Now, though, I'm going to try to grow gills while living in the water in Greece.

This newsletter is 8 years old. If it were a kid, it would be reading and writing, storytelling, climbing trees and trying out lies. It's the only place I write regularly. It's my diary. And it's time for a change.

When I return (no promises) I think I'm finally going to switch to Substack. Doug is making the switch on October first and I've been thinking about it for literal years. All the same reasons apply, but I do feel some nostalgic sadness about a new process.

Maybe I need help?

I need vacation, that's all. See you on the other side!
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