
Maybe I'm munificent

Photo by Charlie Firth on Unsplash
I did a lot of work this week, so do go have a gander at my Weeknotes. I've been publishing them (again) since the beginning of the year. I quit publishing them years ago because I thought "Who cares" but I started again. I thought "I don't write because someone cares, I write because someone might care."

That's a thing to do, you know? Do stuff because it *might* help someone. Because it *might* make the world a better place. It *might* make someone feel less alone in the cosmic vomit that is "Life on Earth". Cosmic vomit isn't a phrase one would normally use to describe Earth, but really, it's all this is. In Newsletter #97 (according to the scribble pad it was created on Saturday, Oct 28, 2017 at 10:29 AM), I wrote:

"That preface leads me to this article about how life is just all the energy of the universe finding ways to dissipate into nothingness. Evolution, it would seem, is less about survival and more about efficiency. We humans are just efficient at absorbing atmospheric energy and dissipating it again. "

There are some Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) techniques that include a step guiding you to think about how you are not the only one who feels a certain thing. It's supposed to help build empathy and compassion so that when stressful situations occur, you can check yourself before you wreck yourself (with burnout and stuffz). Anyway, whenever I am trying to calm my inner crazy, I come back to the idea that our bodies are evolutionarily built to just be efficient and the brain isn't for thinking.

Maybe I need help?

I know this edition is short, but the weeknotes are long, so read them instead. This week, I didn't spend time on my own work. I didn't write or spend much time on this newsletter. I didn't record my two Maybe Zombie chapters. I didn't get around to ditching Patreon and moving to Kofi. I didn't edit the podcast I recorded earlier this week. I didn't update the several WP installs I maintain. I didn't do a lot of things I intended to do.

I need rest though, I don't have energy for the screen now. Besides, tomorrow is another day that will be very much like today.
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