
Maybe I'm encouraged

We works to make things better
Truth be told I'm forcing myself to write this. I've been forcing myself to write. Since the beginning of January. Those first two articles about demands and morals came relatively easily. The blog post this week announcing a big, interesting project was mostly copy and paste. Freshly Brewed Thoughts though... it's hard. Sometimes it feels very stale. I keep writing this because every once in a while someone sends me a note and tells me to keep it up.
Encouragement keeps us going. I've been finding the GameStop story encouraging this week. Oh the airiness I feel inside when runaway capitalism and inequality smash together to give the normies a leg up. I've been enjoying seeing rich people cry foul. I smiled widely when reading patronizing af open letters to the "peasants". They're suggesting that we're not rich because we're all just stupid. I see this story through the lens of activism.

Maybe I'm underestimated

Advertising shits in your head, image from brandalism
What happens when an entire class of people are underestimated? Some of us are quietly making decisions that are shifting the balance of power. It's not "woke" culture, we were already awake. There's a good argument against activism for individual behaviour change. Advocating for individual behavioural change is insufficient for the climate emergency, racial injustice, anything systemic. But I wonder what the ripple effect of my personal decisions will be. Do you understand how very, very interconnected things are? Sometimes it feels pointless, these things I decide to quell the moral indignation inside. But until it's not, my self is strongly collectivist. I still believe that your actions matter.

Maybe I need help?

There's a lot of "give yourself a break" floating around out there, and I agree. I shouldn't be pushing myself too hard. Might fall down the rabbit hole. I might make myself tired. But then again, why not stress myself out with massive projects I want to do but kind of don't? Why not give myself arbitrary deadlines and pressure myself into being "productive" and creative? What else is there to do right now? I have to ride the wave while I'm on it.

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