
Maybe I'm misinformed

I found someone say "Credit to “adam.the.creator” on Instagram."
Last week I shared with you a media bias chart from that place I've seen that one chart before. Stephen Downes, a thinker/philosopher/educator/someone I respect, pinged me on Mastodon to share the bias of the media bias chart. My head has been wandering around the misinformation of the last years, and the state of people mired in the false prophecies of the past. I've been wanting to write, but shying away from The Big Work, and instead writing things about perception, morals, and whatnot. The moral responsibility of the tech industry to fix all the stuff they broke is heavy on my mind. Revision - the moral responsibility to fix all the broken stuff is heavy on my mind.

This year started with enthusiasm and then after the 6th, everyone said "screw it". We all returned to the half-fetal position we spent all of 2020 in. This week, I tried to get some hope for the US inauguration or the fact that my state is finally not "#1 Pandemic State in Germany". Alas, my hope for the humans is in short supply, so I watched cat videos and bombed through the mud on a previously spotless bike. Nature helps.

I went into a YouTube hole this week, which I don't often do. I started with Honest Trailers then rewatched Ricky Gervais at the academy awards and ended with a Vanity Fair interview of Simon Pegg's career path. I came away with bleeding eyes and a feeling of fascination for how fame mucks up our perspectives.

Maybe I'm slow

Photo by Senad Palic on Unsplash
There doesn't seem to be a lot of reason to push ourselves, does there? I, dear friends, am becoming quite accepting of the idea that I don't have to push anymore. I did my time. I can forgive myself for a slow January because coming soon not-slow Spring.

"Existential dread is now one among many inconveniences that you might as well digitally outsource, but the fact that we can now find an app for curing depression is just one symptom of a larger shift in the discourse around mental illness. "

Remember at the beginning of this newsletter when I said tech companies have a moral responsibility to fix what they've broken? Well, what the hell are we going to do about all the stuff that's broken because practical Capitalism is such an utter disaster? There's so much to do, I honestly have no idea what to do about anything. So I'll just keep scribbling in a thousand different places, writing what comes out. Maybe doing some projects here and there. Watching for the ethical work. Waiting for the next thing I can sink my teeth into and believe in.

Maybe I need help?

I'm ok, actually. I'm not feeling particularly humorous lately, and I apologize for the weight of this newsletter over the past months. I have some issues or whatever, and my sharp witted incredulity is currently paying the price. I think I've been spending entirely too much time with myself. How about you? How are you doing lately?
  • This will cheer you up or keep you cheery > https://youtu.be/xhehtjYJn-M
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