
Maybe I'm recommitting

Photo by Ella Jardim on Unsplash
Welcome to another year, friends. I feel like 2020 went by both really fast and absolutely suspended in time. The year took a million years but was over in a second. So many things happened, other folks are reminiscing enough about it. You all know what the world went through, so I won't rehash it all. I just remember that at the beginning of last year, I was on my way to London because I'd been shortlisted for the Women in IT Digital Leader of the Year award. I wasn't expecting to win. My flight was delayed. I arrived late. I had to hightail it from Heathrow to Hyde Park with a stop in Westminister to dump my bags and put on suitable attire for a gala. On the way to the gala, I stopped in the street to remove my pantyhose because the elastic was too old to hold. I ran through London with pantyhose around my ankles. #truestory

As per usual at this time of year, I'm thinking about how to optimize my...self. It's all I ever think about, to be fair. Maybe I should be working on radical acceptance instead and just stop giving a toss about all the things that make me feel like a duck out of water. *Smile* that's really my mood today. Duck out of water. I like ducks.

Anyway, I recommit to taking my creative outlets seriously, despite their monetary worth. I'm (again) vowing to write on a more regular basis outside this newsletter. You know, go back to blogging, publishing my weeknotes, starting a new book. I even started a Pinterest board and designed a brand for all the random DIY stuff I do at home. Because why not?

Also, I wrote the majority of this newsletter before fascist douchebags stormed the Capitol. Here's some of what I have to say about that:

Maybe I'm solidaric

Photo by Breanna Louise on Unsplash
I don't know strict you're being, but I've been isolated and alone out of pure solidarity towards human folks. I am so strict with the not-seeing people thing, I'm catching passive aggressive and eye-rolly flack. I grew up with healthcare providers. I grew up in and around hospitals, and if healthcare workers are begging society to stay home, as they have been since March 2020, we should all stay the fuck home.

I'm glad to see workers unions and cooperatives on the rise. The more we can shake the belief that capitalism is the only way, the more of a chance we'll have at having a world worth teleporting around in. At the moment, however, I'm more concerned that everything is going to "return to normal". I've seen the hypocrisy first hand. People who say they believe in a different way, but then make the same moves a capitalist or an egoist or a chauvinist would make. Did anyone learn anything from the past year? Or are we all going to get our vaccines and then continue destroying the planet and deepening inequities with our stupidness? To be honest, I'm feeling a strange depression about it all. A resignation bordering on acceptance.

Maybe I need help?

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