
Maybe I'm foggy

I'm loving this Iranian artist, Salman Koshroo, via Densed Discovery
I'm going to short form today because I'm feeling rather unable to express myself. I'm angry because some people form their own narratives about reality. When their faulty realities cross into mine, I get angry because the stupid takes up my time. I'm learning how to dissipate that anger instead of react to it, but FFS sometimes it does just stick around. I had a some serious stupid this week. Hypocritical, hurtful, enraging stupidity.

I'm also worried because the corona virus finally entered my immediate circle this week. At the beginning of the pandemic it was the sister of the supervisor of the sports center my league plays in. A few months ago there was a death two steps removed. Now it's a friend who tested positive and a family member who was in contact with someone who tested positive.
At some point this week I had a lot of foggy ideas and started doing random stuff trying to shake them out. I started using an OCR scanner to digitize the thousands and thousands of pages of handwritten notes and poetry I have from my youth, collected in a box, meticulously filed. My OCD started at a young age. I tinkered on my archive page and tried to figure out what I should do with archiving Freshly Brewed Thoughts. There's some great newsletters I've written. Some people say it's my best work. I have a lot of plans for past me. But I don't know how to tell you about them today. I'm going to share some links and move on. I'm not hitting a flow. I'm not particularly articulate today. It's all scattered and random.
Graphic from Norbert Papp

Maybe I need help?

Apologies for the lack this week. I just...can't seem to get anything out. The above took me an hour because I kept having to delete my ranting. I want to give up. Pushing forward feels like it's unfair to you, dear reader. Although, one could make the argument that this stream of consciousness is exactly what you're here for. Or?
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