
Maybe I'm working

Managed to get my recent blog posts that were scattered around the internet onto laurahilliger.com – This is up-to-date until the next time I write something ;) I also updated some broken images in my Learning Materials library.
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Sprinted on the Liminal project with my co-op colleagues in preparation for going live next week. Pre-launch stress included!
Messages From The Sargasso Sea
Also spent a bit of time this week creating a report for Greenpeace International. It pulls together data surrounding the co-op's open activities over the past six months, and looks into the future of our partnership.
Greenpeace Photo Credit: © Shane Gross / Greenpeace

Maybe I'm a clone

Tiny Rick from Rick and Morty
We never really talk about it, but cloning is totally a thing. I don't know how you're feeling about it, but I would very much like someone to shoot me and then clone my DNA. I'm confident that my clone will not be me but rather a clone of me. I would finally get to have the endless sleep of death, which truth be told is a fine state for this week. Oh don't worry about it. I'm not suicidal, I'm just in a pissed off sort of depression and don't want to be bothered for fear of ruining your mood.

Cloning stuff >> https://www.horsetalk.co.nz/2020/09/07/clone-przewalskis-horse-genetic-hope/

Chemical over stimulation of dopamine/serotonin excretion in people with depression would be an interesting field of study. I assume someone out there is taking all these MDMA studies a step further and learning that neurodivergence plus that chemical overflow is...well a thing. You see, I can't candyflip. No MDMA for me. Drugs that deplete dopamine and serotonin levels make that next day is more dangerous than a bad trip involving a bathtub and the Satanic Bible.

I mean, I wonder about the benefits of candyflipping for others. I don't know why this study is using healthy subjects, to be honest. >> https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/v7gn3x/first-clinical-trial-combining-mdma-and-lsd-ecstasy-acid

Maybe I'm a brain bag

WTF. I expected that searching "brain bag" was going to give me something interesting, not remind me that capitalism has stolen the words.
I mean, I started the week with two smacks in the head about how mind and body have been consciously separated. We knew that. Remember last year when I read that book When the Body Says No: the Hidden Cost of Stress? We talked about it then too.

"My body is my brain bag, it hauls me around to those places and in front of faces where there’s something to say or see."
Carrie Fisher

Podcast>> https://hurryslowly.co/310-anxiety-vs-intuition/
Whitman>> https://www.brainpickings.org/2018/06/05/walt-whitman-workout/

Then I spent enough of my week thinking about how "Emotional intelligence is often a proxy for grace">> https://craigmod.com/roden/043/#this-months-newsletter-essay--emotional-intelligence

I'm sorry I'm late, I didn't want to come.

What else? Oh yeah, a musician/DJ/sound nerd friend and newsletter fan (wave) was supposed to come to see the John Cage Chord Change this past weekend. He was planning it for years, but, you know pandemic. I thought about going so I could tell him how, uh, the chord changed, but there were no more tickets.

Maybe I need help?

Plant some trees with my link here>> https://ecologi.com/?r=5ea13ab3bc81a700183700f7https://ecologi.com/?r=5ea13ab3bc81a700183700f7https://ecologi.com/?r=5ea13ab3bc81a700183700f7https://ecologi.com/?r=5ea13ab3bc81a700183700f7https://ecologi.com/?r=5ea13ab3bc81a700183700f7

Because clearing forests is a a large part of the reason so many species have gone out of business>> https://www.npr.org/2020/09/10/911500907/the-world-lost-two-thirds-of-its-wildlife-in-50-years-we-are-to-blame?ft=nprml&f=1001

Hit reply, friends. It's always nice to hear what you're up to, why you're here, what you're looking for, how I can make your day a little less...hamster wheely.
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