
Maybe I'm knackered

I do websites for friends who have studios that are cool to look at.
We Are Open is absolutely NAILING IT. This week Doug published an epic blog post on How to Build an Architecture of Participation, while I worked more on the actual AoP document for Greenpeace. My old "so you want to run a CMOOC" post and this new post could be used together to create some awesome digital engagement experiences. I also whipped up a plan for engaging with a new client who seem to need their own AoP, so I'm pleased that I could share the post with them this week.

Today we hosted two retrospectives for the work we've been doing through Catalyst, a fund put together to help the non-profit sector in the UK. I really enjoy this work. I did quite a bit of pro-bono work this week, finishing up a friend's new website, and hacking away with my Open Org project friends on our upcoming new site.

I didn't do ANYTHING other than work this week. Working well into the evening every day. I'm looking forward to taking a break in August, and I'm truly thankful that it's Friday.

Maybe I'm flat-footed

My shoes
The title is clickbait, "Don't promote your best people"?, don't read it. It's stupid. Instead, read about how Creative Leadership Pathways. If you're in a leadership role, think about how you can "promote" your best people because they need recognition and feedback, duh.

Dunno if you're still reading about the Corona virus, but reading about chaos theory and the Corona virus is worth the time.

"Dynamic systems develop in complex and unpredictable ways... the best we can do is continually update models based on what is happening in the real world."

Returning to the old normal won't help us towards herd immunity, but the butterfly effect (yes, really) of your actions can influence the outcome of this pandemic. Says Banksy as well.

My ongoing work in being anti-racist and this post about microracisms has been making me think about how I'm perceived. It's oddly a lot like my shoes. I wear, and have worn, Converse All Stars for decades. It's not because I am a die hard converse fan or that I identify with the converse sub cultural tropes. I wear them because I have flat foot syndrome. They're the only shoes I've found that don't mess my knees up. I'm a old, leftie, non- traditional, intellectual, feminist punk, but I look like a white lady. I have those same little blurts in my brain because the system has sculpted me too. It sculpted all of us. By the way, here's some beauty tips.

Maybe I need help?

What are you working on lately? Are you having a slow summer?
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