
Maybe I'm repressing

Photo by Arno Senoner on Unsplash
Several people I've spoken to lately are starting to deny their feelings because this thing just keeps going. Our brains carry a build up of stress and anxiety, so feeling your feelings, whatever they are, is really important. I am absolutely brilliant at repressing, distracting and otherwise avoiding myself. I know I'm doing myself a disservice.

‘Remember this - that there is a proper dignity and proportion to be observed in the performance of every act of life.’ Marcus Aurelius

Yes, I am often running away. Addicted to the feeling of productivity. Terrified about a lack of purpose. I'm figuring out that Work Won't Love [Me] Back but I will go on convincing myself that the intellectual labor and activism of working towards a more open, collective-focused world is better than staring into the distance and procrastinating on writing the next book.

By the way, Planet of the Humans, which I mentioned depressed me to no end, is a pile of context fails and jaded, shunted thinking that environmentalists are calling irresponsible. So, like, learning and growing and continuing to seek understanding, as uncomfortable as it can be, appears to be the only way to slay the demons within. A worthy endeavor for a brain, don't you think?

Maybe I'm a worker

AI generated meme for Jen. I had to make about 92 before it spat out something even partially usable :D
We Are Open Co-op is adding a new member, Jen Kelchner, and I'm happy about it. We did a quick interview yesterday, and in the first take (the one we tossed because it was blurry) she said that if you're going to model a new future, you have to actually model it. She was speaking about the cooperative model, and she was saying that you can't just point to the attitude/behavior but not live it.

I agree. For me, living it means promoting cooperative models and circular economies. It means considering your actions. Being authentic. Honest about how hard it is to fight against what seems to be innate. It means surprising people with what you offer.

We have to understand how our individual impact matters. Nothing should be more clear to people at the moment.

Maybe I need help?

I'm doing ok, actually. I was productive this week, and it seems that there are people in the world who care about me. There are people who care about you too. Hit reply, even if you've never talked to me before, don't be afraid. I'm here for you.
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