
Maybe I'm a mishap

cc--by-nd Bryan Mathers
Was a helluva week. Calendar mishaps and turning on a dime for a project left my calendar a mess and I fell off the dime. It was stressy, I published a LOT of stuff, so I will stare into the void more than I normally do this weekend.

Our podcast with Heather Leson dropped this week. We talked about the book we wrote together and loads of other things. We kicked off a couple projects this week, including one with CAST (the Centre for the Acceleration of Social Technology). I wrote a post that ended up published on their blog while co-facilitating some workshops. To be fair, the second part of the workshop was about writing so I used the writing exercises to work on my post. It's quite reflective and not fully relevant to the programme. I was a little surprised that our collaborator asked me to add it to the CAST publication.
We've been thinking about how to fight the power on the education front (for decades), but also we're starting some advocacy work. I worked on a two-part series, which started as a big long post and then was made much better through collaboration and laughter. We also ran a Badge Wiki Barn Raising, which I *just* in this moment remembered. It was a helluva week.
All the posting and a workshop on working openly reminded me to flip back through my Opensource.com posts. I haven't written one there in almost a year, but geez did I write a lot this week. Thanks for reading, really. Let me know what you think.

Maybe I'm dreaming

download a stencil, get some paint.
The dream of Europe is a peaceful continent built on the principles of human rights and democracy. A union that respects the dignity and diversity of people and cultures, and one that respects the rule of law. There is all sorts of paperwork to this effect and the official motto is "United in Diversity." Ukraine is still at war. FYI. Germany has taken in over 800K Ukrainian refugees and more come every day. Arty activists from around Europe are sticker bombing and stencilling "Make Europe, not War". It is a beautifully subversive uncoordinated effort to inform our leaders that what's happening in Ukraine is sort of, you know, fucking illegal and tragic. World powers leaving Russia to just be anti-social af remains mind-boggling.

Meanwhile, the whole January 6th investigation and general media climate in the USA is mind-boggling as well. To be honest, I'm not paying much attention to US news anymore. Or any news really. I have a general sense of all the crap happening, but actually the end of February broke me. It was the start of the war in Ukraine. After the last couple of years, the pandemic, climate crisis, death, destruction and general mayhem, Putin's invasion of the Ukraine was the last thing that I could take in. Not to say I am not viscerally aware of things.

I'm just trying to survive my own brain. Think of me as a candy-covered chocolate, if my shell cracks I'll melt all over the couch and we'll never get that stain out.

Maybe I need help?

Like I said, I'm going to stare into the void. It's supposed to be way too hot this weekend, so we'll see what that does to my work-melted brain. I am feeling things. Need to process. How have you been lately? Want to hit reply and tell me about you? I'd like that.
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