
Maybe I'm out of touch

The very awesome (and never out of touch) Jess Klein is doing stickers <3>
“I strongly believe that the only way to encourage innovation is to give it to the young. The young have a great advantage in that they are ignorant. Because I think ignorance in science is very important. If you’re like me and you know too much you can’t try new things. I always work in fields of which I’m totally ignorant.” A Conversation with Sydney Brenner, Nobel Prize winning biologist

I've been out of touch since I was knee-high to a junebug. It's not a new feeling for people like me, there is a literal and extensive genre designed to tell the stories of the teenage outcasts who later rose to the challenge of their own uniqueness. In the films they embrace themselves with self love, compassion and respect and then they go back to working at the coffee shop or whatever except now they're a bit more...put together.

It never ceases to amaze me what the rest of the humans are paying attention to. Popular culture is absolutely baffling and sometimes I feel like I'm another species. I like to dip into the mainstream from time to time, but I don't stay. I find myself so much more interested in the oddball subculture stuff. For example, I'm not obsessed (yet), but I started reading a book about Vaporwave and now I'm lamenting that I wasn't making Vaporwave all along. I've wasted so much time.

Maybe I'm a eye-rolly

God, he's such a friggin idiot.
Scores of people started following me on Mastodon this week, and by "scores", I mean like 8, so I knew early on this week that something was afoot. The big tech news of the week was rich guy doing rich guy things. Elon Musk is buying Twitter, selling Tesla shares and manipulating the market as he drags us into his midlife crisis. Every morning I'm irritated by this yahoo, I wish someone would throw a shoe at his head.

I recall telling y'all that I have slowly shut down my social sharing over the last years. Stopped blogging for the most part. I only write to you anymore, the rest of the Internet be damned. Somewhere along the line I stopped thinking that my voice mattered because, really, dust in the wind and all that.

Well, maybe it's time to come back out to play. There's so much stupid in the world, maybe my angle of stupid can offset someone else's angle of stupid and the world will be a better place. Besides I'm genuinely excited to see my creative network building and publishing and speaking and making. Surely it's a worthwhile use of my time.

Maybe I need help?

I am off towards vacation now so...well so nothing. I just won't be working for a couple weeks. Sun, sea, wind, trying to unwind. Wind and unwinding. Interesting words to put together, don't you think? How have you been lately? If you need a friend, write me. Or, you know, program an AI in your microwave:
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