
Maybe I'm aware

from the Oatmeal
"To build community requires vigilant awareness of the work we must continually do to undermine all the socialization that leads us to behave in ways that perpetuate domination." bell hooks

The MobLab newsletter used this quote a couple weeks ago, and I haven't stopped thinking about it. Perhaps it's the Reframing Conflict workshop I did over the past two weeks, perhaps it's the Keep Badges Weird community call or the paper I'm writing with a colleague at the International Red Cross Red Shield about openness in global non-profits. Perhaps it's the awareness that as a woman of a certain age, my "usefulness" has already peaked. In any case, I'm noticing perpetual domination in my industry as well as, thankfully, some people who are actively showing awareness.

"Amid seemingly intractable problems here on Earth, a vision of the future can resemble a life raft, and in the absence of viable alternatives, substanceless promises of space travel, crypto-utopias, and eternal life in the cloud may become the only things to look forward to." from the TED article linked below, which I very much enjoyed

Crypto and NFT enthusiasts brag about the transparency inherit in recording smart contracts on the blockchain, but this "the information had been sitting there in the blockchain if someone had just pieced together the links" method of identification is dangerous. Number 1, if you clicked the link there, you're likely to react as I did and not spend more than 30 seconds before rolling your eyes and thinking "why did the reporter even bother here?" Yes, pseudo-anonymity might help with discrimination, but let's not pretend that the blockchain is the solution to racism, sexism, ageism or classism. Because that is fucking ridiculous and the people propagating that line are dominant characters in a world that doesn't include the rest of us as thinking feeling beings.

Maybe I'm allowed

from Enona/Getty images
I was angry this week when a careerist, capitalist, shit-show-ery occurred. The event has little affect on me personally, but I was angry none-the-less. My continued inability to not react emotionally to societal deceit and betrayal was questioned by three different white men. Or rather, they said "why are you so angry about this?" or "I'm curious why you're so pissed off". These men, all three of them, are people I love and/or respect, so they were, perhaps, simply worried about my cortisol levels.

In this episode there's an article with a reference to being prepared for nuclear war (Bill Gates talks about his childhood in an "inspiresting" piece above) that is all about the deceit of the techno-elite, arguably those who have designed and are "designing" our world. Another talks about the psychological reaction to the threat of the climate emergency. Why wouldn't I be angry that this world and the people in it are as they are? Soraya Chemaly talks about the reality of female anger in her book Rage Becomes Her. She writes about how anger is the emotion that shows us where the boundaries are. When your values are in conflict, an appropriate response may very well be anger.

Maybe I need help?

People think I do, I guess, but for some of us there is no help. Also, did you know that Albatross can travel like 1000km in a single day!? And that wombats have square poop!? No!? Well, my friend, click the links:
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