Patron Edition!
I'm pleased to see that some of you have used the coupon I offered for Maybe Zombies. Remember, it's only good until July 21, so go and download soon! Thanks for your continued support, it means a lot to me.

Maybe I'm idle

photo by openblackboard
photo by openblackboard
There's an entire sea of fresh water that's been discovered under the ocean. In the 1970s. We puny little humans don't know anything. It's insane. Last week cat foxes and now the fact that our bones are mutating because of our modern lives.

I've spent more than a little time trying to right the wrongs of external validation and perceived "success". I have managed to stop completely at certain moments. Managed to understand the value of being idle and solitude and stillness. Working on getting my brain straight for the next X number of years. I don't think there's a formula, no matter how many people write about this existential work on the internet. Different for all of us, you'll have to do your own work.

Whatever. It's fine. Keep reminding each other that we're fine. I've benefited a lot from simply paying attention and reading, reading, reading. That's the secret, you know. You learn to be ok with all the things if you keep learning about all the various sides of things, and then, like, think about stuff. Today's pro tip: use your brain more.

Maybe I'm offline

Photo of someone else being busy. Not me. From Robert Bye on Unsplash
I used to blog regularly, making sure I posted at least once a week. Now I write this newsletter once a week. I am writing another book. I write articles. I write proposals. But I don't blog anymore. I've long been protective of my offline life. The things I could blog about that are unique and different from "Laura in work mode" are sporadic and philosophical...it'd probably be a bunch of pontificating. "Blog" is on my to-do list alongside "start a podcast". Obviously, I've had other priorities :/

Privacy is getting easier. Especially for me, since I haven't been online all that much in the past few weeks. At least, I haven't been visibly online. I've been reading, but using Firefox Focus on my phone. I've been camping on top of various seas and learning that doing nothing much is quite exhausting.

Maybe I need help?

This summer feels slow. Maybe it's just the record breaking heatwave in Europe? Or maybe I've just finally allowed myself to slow down. What about you though? What's happening in your world? Hit reply.
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