
Maybe I'm private

Bryan's art, my design. CC-BY We Are Open Co-op
With a determined walk I managed to bang my knee up last week. There was a mutated puppet head inside of that knee and my body was doing overtime to heal, I guess. I had zero extra energy for several days in a row. This is my excuse for not writing to you last week. I could have come up with another one, but the lack of creative energy and the lack of physical energy are real, seemingly constant, frustrating and have resulted in a library of things left unread and a mess of ideas left unwritten.

I'm talking about the Cult of Productivity, but at what point is it resistance and at what point is it foulness? This word "foulness" just happened, my brain put it on the page. I didn't want to say "lazy" because I am so very afraid of wasting my life. In German "faul" means lazy, rotten, idle, shiftless. I feel like my inability to get it out is lazy, rotten and idle. But hey, I keep telling myself that it's normal to have phases of creative rush. I keep telling myself that I haven't lost it. That I'm spending it a lot on client work (see graphic above). That my artist is in tact. It's that time of year. And then there's the pandemic.

The thought creeps in, though, often enough that I am starting to become friends with it. Perhaps I am just ordinary.

Maybe I'm (un)familiar

cc-by Doug Belshaw
I work with loads of environmental organisations, so I could have pulled off "Sorry, COP26!" as an excuse for not writing or being creative. What happened at COP feels quite simple to me – a bunch of people spread covid around, the UN figured out how to run a simple accounting process*, loads of affected communities were kept out, the rich countries are fuckwads and we are still on track for utter disaster.

* I do not care enough to look into the complexities of recording 200 country's emissions & reductions. Suffice to say – it is 200 countries with a few million entries and computers, AI, etc, have existed for a while now. This doesn't feel like a "we need 6 years to finalise the rules though..." kind of situation.

Anyway, it's exhausting to listen to some of the absolute crap that people say trying to be smart. This week someone 'splained to me on the Fediverse that bitcoin is going to save the environment by replacing military complex spending... Yeah. I didn't respond because, like, I don't need to spend my time pointing out logical fallacies to dudes on the Internet.

I'd love for someone to tell me if I'm seeing things correctly? Here's an example of where my mind goes: The first link below is an article about a man who, 52 years ago, stole $215K and just got "caught":

  1. Some obsessive law enforcement officers spent decades of tax payer money flying all over hells-half-acre, staying in tax payer paid accommodation and eating their per diems looking for a man who
  2. robbed one bank and then led a quiet life and, as it happens, died the same year he was apprehended.
  3. there should be some statue of limitations on this kind of stuff and omfg why is one guy robbing a bank a 52 year journey of justice while people in the Global South are begging for rich countries to givafok and migrants are being used in policy wars and AI is being built to judge us and what the fuck is happening in the world!?

Maybe I need help?

Frankly, my brain is very exhausting and the 4th wave is a thing and remember earlier when I said I was exhausted last week because of my knee? That was a half truth.
What's happening in your head lately? Struggling? Given up? Super happy and can tell me the secret of that happiness?

Hit reply, there's a lot of unvaccinated people in my part of the world, so I kind of don't want to go anywhere.
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