
Maybe I'm private

I've always
Every once in a while, like a good digital citizen, I take a moment to check my data reach and venture into the scary realm of "Googling Myself" to look for data brokers. I would admit to googling myself for other reasons, but I actually don't give a toss about my search results. I have a bit of a disparaged ego because of that one time I did mescaline with a colony of ants in the Appalachians. Anyway, I do this often enough, that I don't have massive exposure, but even the little bit that's out there creeps me out. This week, I found a data broker removal service and am giving it a try for a month. Really, I'd like to be more of a proper hacker, but I'm too old to sport the associated hairdos. (Wave to my proper hacker friends. Remember, remember. ;)

A lot has been going on inside my computer lately, but there's low output of the sort of creative work I'm always trying to push myself on. I'm basically a writer who doesn't write, a painter who doesn't paint and an artist who doesn't art. This reality means that I have a great many good ideas that flitter off into the sunset while I play my PS4 instead, having spent my creative energy on work stuff.

This week I launched a top secret Greenpeace International project that I've been working on for a year. While currently top secret, I'm confident it won't be forever. It doesn't make sense to hide it from the world. It is beautiful, complex but not overly so, pedagogically innovative. The rest of this year I'll be supporting the pilot of this thing, and then I'll have a look at everything that went wrong, while advocating for Greenpeace International to release it into the wild.

I also hit flow this week while starting to write Julie's Bicycle their Digital Strategy. I turned up the speakers and wrote words to begin to pull together a vision of 2 years from now. I didn't get as far as I would have liked, my concept isn't clear yet, but then I'm ahead of schedule so I have time.

At some point, someone, somewhere is going to be the patron of my masterwork, and I probably won't even know it's my legacy.

What is your best work? Which piece of the puzzle is the thing that a thousand years from now genetically modified cyborgs will reconstruct from burnt motherboards in a cross galaxy attempt at ancestral understanding?

Maybe I'm eccentric (and awesome)

In the useless information consumption category, we have some data to show the types of folks who marry each other by occupation. Did you know that Facilities Managers often marry Registered Nurses or that Upholsterers marry other Upholsterers? And surgeons, well, they're marrying another doctor so if you are dating a surgeon and NOT a doctor, I suggest you cut your loses.

"I’m not sure understanding the brain has kept pace with the size of the datasets...How do I make sense of gargantuan volumes of data? Where does science end and personal interpretation begin? Were humans even capable of weaving today’s reams of information into a holistic picture? I was now on a dark path, questioning the limits of human understanding, unsettled by a future filled with big data and small comprehension." Grigori Guitchounts

I have a nerve thing that has been acting up this week. It was so bad Thursday evening that I wanted to cut my arm off and have it replaced with a robotic limb. In 2017, scientists helped a paralyzed man feel again, using THE BRAIN and stuff. Two beers in, I thought about how if I were filthy rich, I'd spend some of my wealth to become more like Inspector Gadget. This train of thought led me to think about how BORING the super rich actually are. If I were Jeff Bezos or Elon Musk or, god forbid, Mar...i can't even finish writing his name lest I ignite some sort of freaky Friday curse. Anyway, if I were that rich i would be so much more awesome than they are. Space? Puhlease. I'd have a team of people doing the most ridiculous things to bring whimsy and charm back into the world. And I would pay people to put hats on giant potatoes every day.

I sure as shit wouldn't be reinventing Second Life and renaming it the Metaverse while sliming it up with other tech bros who ignore their impact. I mean for god's sake, we've got bigger problems than "Zoom fatigue".

Remember, remember the 5th of November.

Maybe I need help?

I'd like to motivate myself in more varied ways, but instead I have limited energy, limited understanding and limited control. And so I march onwards, waiting for the moment Creative Me has a spurt of productivity (in the good sense, not in the productivity cult sense).

Reach out – the only email I get is other people's newsletters and every once in a while an email from someone here who was kind enough to hit reply.
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