
Maybe I'm in reverse

Screenshot of our Keep Badges Weird Community on Participate
I've been recuperating (and immediately getting sick) after a lot of adventures and an overdose of social interaction. People think I'm pure extrovert, but that's not true. I dump the right chemicals in my body at the right time for all of my public personas. Then I collapse into myself like a dying star. Depending on the amount of extroversion, I've needed anywhere from a few hours to over a week. I've arrived home from multi-day conferences, fallen to my knees and cried the soul blubbering cry of need.

This week was busy at work, and I didn't have a lot of self care time. I lost a half a day on Tuesday when my brain didn't understand anything and my body just went limp on the couch. The best I could do for soul soothing was a couple of evenings with no real plans and lasagna out of the freezer. I worked to ignore the personal things piling up, and now I have no more food at home. Shrug.

Wednesday evening we officially launched the Keep Badges Weird community at Badge Summit. Our session was full of familiar faces, and it's nice to be involved in designing something for the rebel edtech folks again. It's a little like time travel.
* I automatically tweet random stuff out of my archives, and I'm surprised every time. Past-Laura is an interesting weirdo.

Maybe I need help?

Unfortunately for me, I have to cut this newsletter super short because I've still got loads on this week. Here's the first article in a "Who is this crazy Art Collective!?" rabbit hole you can go down instead:
1,000 Warhol artworks are on sale for just $250 each. But only one is real > https://www.cnn.com/style/article/warhol-art-mschf/index.html
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