
Maybe I'm participating?

WAO's Learning journey overview for Participate
“Participation. That’s what’s gonna save the human race.” (Pete Seeger) and also the title to a blog post I co-wrote this week after we realised that we hadn't documented the fact that a lot of co-op work is Learning Design related. The fact is, a lot of life is learning design related. A lot of words we use in my industry (tech? non-profit? both? neither?) are firmly situated in educational theory, but they *sound* like they're something different entirely. Participation. Collaboration. Engagement.

We talked about semantics on the Tao of WAO this week, so give that a listen. Check the show notes too, there's loads of links you might be interested in. This episode is the end of Series 1, so if you do listen, send me a note and tell me what you think. We are not 100% sure where we're going with it (if anywhere at all).

Maybe I'm resigned?

image by Costfoto / Barcroft Media via Getty Images
The Arctic Circle reached a land temperature of 48 degrees Celsius. LMGTFY: 118.4 Fahrenheit. Luckily for me, I'm middle aged. Truth be told the grief is both vicious and spongey. The spongey bit contains a strange relief. Relief that it's early enough in the ecological collapse that I won't see the worst part? I will see the beginning of collapse acceleration, some of the social upheaval it brings. But I guess I'll be dead before the burnt Earth, Mad Max style dystopian future arrives, right?
"No quantity of blankets or candles is going to make up for living in an unequal society with a weak social safety"

It's not like we aren't trying. There is rapid fossil fuel divestment and folks see through the virtue signalling. So we will fill the time with this thing and that. Contrary to popular belief (in and amongst my own inner voices as well as many an external entity), I'm reasonably satisfied. It's going too be ok-ish.
“I hung out with a guy in Siberia who ended every evening with a generous pour of vodka and half a pack of cigarettes. He seemed pretty happy—is that the secret to happiness?”

Maybe I need help?

I do not believe that screaming about the black devastation of our collective predicament is going to help me or us. But truth is truth. Do we remember a different me? Do you remember a different you? Are you in your head as much as I'm in mine? Is this what it feels like to be alive or am I experiencing it in a unique way? Maybe I'm the only one?

(The little birdie below links to my Ecologi profile, they plant trees & fund climate solutions.)
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