
Maybe I'm forgetting?

Martin Jacobson painting in the Queen of F*cking Everything Exhibition. Photo cc-by-sa Laura Hilliger
Disclosure: For some of you, this first bit will cause you to think "Oh, Laura's in a mood, I'll delete and come back when she's not whining about the state of the world." Or maybe you just unsubscribe. I encourage you to get to the hopeful bits further down.

There were typos in last week's newsletter. It read like I didn't try, probably because I didn't. FBT is, at the moment, a blabbering stream of freshly brewed thoughts (see what I did there?). Otherwise known as "unconscious writing", which I then consciously edit in an effort to not scare you fine people with my black soul entertain and engage.

At the moment, I have forgotten all motivations and ambitions. I haven't been writing or reading very much. I was not nourished by the sweet suckle of creative juice at all this week. I have the feeling that I haven't drank from that particular well in a very long time.

I haven't been concerned with the state of the world because it's on track to kill us all, and I'm becoming used to it. My niece once said to me "I don't think I ever want to go to Australia. Everything there is designed to kill me." This is true, but also, the dominoes are shivering, the tipping points... Blah, I don't want to talk about it, ok?
I've not be able to find that deep desire I had to help people, to save the world, to feel like my action matters. Is this summer mode? Is a resurgence of burnout? Have I forgotten or am I just moody?

Maybe I'm remembering?

Artwork Melissa Martin, Dining Room, 2006, photo cc-by-sa Laura Hilliger
"But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?" We are, us funny little humans, perfectly capable of demanding something different. We do have power, each of us. We are inventive if nothing else. We should be able to get ourselves out of this mess we've created. I should be able to get myself out of this mess my brain has created.

We can fundamentally shift the way we think about ourselves in the natural world. Decide, for ourselves, to choose. We can wake up each day and look at the natural world with a bit of wonder and then decide to protect it by remembering that EVERYTHING is a part of it. The chair was once a tree.

Maybe I need help?

Oh it's fine. I'm just in a mood. Feedback would help. How are you? Have you been listening to the podcast I've been co-hosting? Want to find projects to do together? Give me advice on how to live my life? Interact? Hit reply, I like reader mail and I haven't heard from some of you (ever) and others in a very long time.
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