
Maybe I'm speaking?

I made this artwork and I love it.
I'm not sure I'll be writing FBT over the next couple of weeks. I'm going to be off for a bit, galavanting in the wilds of either Germany, Sweden or Finland. The border situations will determine the journey, but I intend to stare at the clouds and breathe in the early summer as I road trip around.

This week, I haven't been all up in my head. Instead I've been enjoying guilty pleasures and not overthinking. I don't care much at the moment. Ce la vie. There's life to be living.

We launched a new podcast called the Tao of WAO, which we overthought at first, but now we're starting to hit a groove. I'll be away, so we launched three episodes all at once. I don't feel like I'm much of a podcast host tbh. I can talk about stuff all day, but the moment I'm being recorded, I start to worry about the "out of context" phenomenon. I wrote a post about my experience live tooting Eurovision, but when it wasn't easily embeddable, I decided that cataloguing such snark on my website wasn't a great idea anyway. I am not afraid of the world, I'm afraid of my reaction to it. Something something self-confidence. I'm working on it.

I contributed to the Open Organization's anniversary stuff (coming in June!). I tinkered forward with some Greenpeace stuff. I broke and then half-fixed my website. I learned about Quadratic funding. I worked more on a project with Participate, so there's some stuff to look at if you're interested in my work-a-day-world.

Maybe I'm trolling?

Everyone and their best friend has shared this recently, so I wanted to as well. The Art of Getting Your Shit Done.
If you actually saw my Eurovision live tooting, then you might think I'm not all that altruistic. I wanted to make sure you knew that I'm not *really* a troll. That's why I wrote the brief post "culture, trauma, dissociation" - because altruistic, cooperative people have more complex brains. At least that's how I read this piece of research in which neuroscientists studied brain activity and social interaction ink blot cartoons.

One of the things I hate about the modern internet is how easy it is for us to forget how complex any given person or situation is. The visceral disdain I feel for misinformation has a comma in it. I exist in a world of grey, at least I do most of the time. My neuro-atypical brain goes black and white sometimes, I've been told it's a common symptom of my brain's special brokenness, but mostly things are *very* grey. I'm not sure I believe in factual simplicity. It's more a state of mind, isn't it? I mean, my brain can make anything complex.

In economic pondering, crypto is like the stock market except there's nothing backing the stocks and they're all single value. Crypto doesn't have a billionaire shareholder running a company that does some kind of thing, but there might be a billionaire holding a bunch of crypto. And they probably lost a lot of their money in the last week as crypto's volatility destroyed livelihoods and the frenzy of trading made panda bears cry blood tears. I'm still raising my eyebrow at the "but crypto is decentralized" viewpoint as if decentralization alone will help close the wealth gap. The exchange isn't decentralized for the commoner.

We old nerds have some big responsibility on our shoulders.

Maybe I need help?

When I'm back to work the week of June 14th, we'll begin the slow summer season. The co-op has a couple things on, we could do more. I could do more. What more should I do?

Hit reply and talk to me – people usually don't, but every time someone does I am excited to read what kind of rabbit hole FBT sent them down and why.
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