
Maybe I'm 5?

cc-by-nd Bryan Mathers
On May 1st, the co-op turned 5 years old. To celebrate we completely re-designed, re-texted, re-everything'd our website, so do go have a look and read our announcement post too. I speak for all of WAO when I say, we'd LOVE to hear your feedback on our new site!

There's a lot on my horizon at the moment, so I'm recommitting myself to being smart about my energy. There are flowers to see and bees to watch, so let's not forget to do those things. There are also minds to change and ideas to spread, so gather the Kraft* because the world isn't looking like rainbows and unicorns just yet. Although, to be fair, I saw a double rainbow this week.

*I'm feeling witchy right this second and I remembered that movie from the 90s "The Craft" and also "Kraft" means "energy" in German. Don't roll your eyes, I'm not weird, YOU'RE weird.

Maybe I'm changing?

Pyramid of Hate from the Anti-Defamation League
"The central premise of neoliberalism is that the locus of decision-making can be shifted from democratic government to the individual, working through “the market”. Rather than using politics to change the world for the better, we can do it through our purchases."

It's an entire worldview that has to change. Not my worldview but our collective worldview. The extraction essay i submitted to Dark Mountain was about this to an extent. The nature documentaries that are making waves at the moment are about this to an extent. My behaviour during the pandemic has been about this and I hope yours has too. There's no excuses anymore for being blind to what we have wrought here on planet earth. We are experiencing a reckoning. As it happens on the social and cultural levels, so too should it be happening inside of you.

Maybe I need help?

"Solve" autism and schizophrenia. An experience this week has reminded me how very much I wish mental "illness" was seen for what it often is – fully normal, affecting all of our funny little brains in some way, not a thing to "fix" but a thing to understand, manage and accept. When I think about the tech industry messing with my brain, I get very thinky face emoji about it all. Philosophical, one might say. "Not jurassic park" – I have to say, I'm kind of glad that was Hodak's response on Twitter.

What's on your mind lately?
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