
Maybe I'm attributing

These are the things you are to do:
Speak the truth to one another,
render true and perfect justice in your gates.
And do not contrive evil against one another,
and do not love perjury,
because all those are things that I hate — declares the Lord. Zechariah 8:16–17

This week, I found out some folks willingly (nope, not Hanlon's Razor) and illegally removed attribution from some work I did. I was angry at first, but then I just let it go. I didn't point it out (well, not to them). I didn't say it's unacceptable, especially for people who call themselves "open experts", to willingly dismiss open licensing regulations. My boundaries were crossed – integrity, truth, respect – and I, like, turned the other cheek. And then I ranted about it in this Rantletter.

It's not like this hasn't happened to me before. It happens A LOT. That's what happens to people who have lots of ideas. People use us and profit from our big brains, and we go off and have more ideas. Everybody wins. Sometimes. Whatever, I don't have the energy to be angry about it. So I'll just be pointed: If you don't attribute properly, you're an asshole. Full stop. There's no excuse, just attribute properly.

Moving on. I finally read the Deep Adaptation paper I heard of a few years ago, and then didn't read. It resurfaced when Dr Belshaw read it last week. He responded the way many of us do when we consider the reality of a situation. A bit of flabbergast and a bit of incredulity and a bit of renewed sense of purpose masked as existential dread. It took me through a rabbit hole and up a dark mountain. Wound up in a Cave of Horrors and now I'm considering getting a jar of pickled eggs to store in the cellar.

Maybe I'm unfit

LOL, I searched blockchain and found this awesome Photo by Fabian Friedrich on Unsplash
I've learned more about things and stuff since my last Rantletter on blockchain and NFTs. I also lost 3 subscribers with that edition. Good times. Doug helpfully wrote up the difference between Proof-of-Work and Proof-of-Stake blockchains, and the Verge wrote an easy-to-understand piece on NFTs and climate. We might get to do some work with the NEAR Foundation, a group of folks who are making green blockchain technology. I'd be very excited to do so because the people I've met so far are utterly badass. I think I'm ready for some new stuff to geek out on.
The charity project I've been leading on is halfway through, and I'd be dyyyyiinnnnggg if it weren't for my awesome We Are Open Co-op crew. Warp speeding 10 charities through digital transformation at the same time is haaarrrdddd. Each org is in a different place. The representatives are in different places. Keeping my head wrapped around all that context is exhausting. It's possible though, and I think we've been doing well. I've been making loads of Loom videos about user journeys and System Blueprints and MLPs and how to use Jamboards to think. I'm wondering if I should rerecord them? FYI no scripts, no plan, just winging it.

Maybe I need help?

I am desperate for the spring. I saw it for a moment about a week ago when I rode my first 50km and met some cows. Now it's snowing, and the need for being released from this lock-in, lock-down, broken brain is increasing. I am always so tired, you know? I imagine spring might help?
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