
Maybe I'm braining

Cute sloth from Readers Digest
Well, plum diddly friends, it's a new week and I'm back with my best television presenter voice. This week a reader helped me start my newsletter, so thank you! They asked:

"Do you believe doing is better than being? Doing: creating, producing, writing, etc Being: not doing (via negativa)"

I found this to be quite interesting. What do I believe? What do you believe? Let's wait a moment.

Thursday afternoon I was guest on a podcast. The hosts had discovered the co-op's Spirit of Us page, so I got to talk about what it's like to choose who you work with. I also said something along the lines of "If you're an oil company, you really don't need to bother" before ranting about capitalism, as is my usual schtick. Unfortunately, I was braindead because I spent all day working on Julie's Bicycle, and I'm not sure I was articulate. Frankly, I can't remember what all we talked about :/

Julie's Bicycle is a "not-for-profit mobilising the arts and culture to take action on the climate and ecological crisis." They're going through a transitional period, and the co-op is working to support them. The work is strategy, digital transformation, leadership development, open methodologies and more. Intense brain stuff. I'm getting to nerd out and do design stuff with Mural and Whimsical, two jazzy tools that are making the thinky thinky stuff easier.

Maybe I'm in a rush

Cheshire Gecko
Photo by Bernhard Schubert
People don't quit jobs, they quit managers. If you're in a company where you're being surveilled by your boss, I'd recommend...quitting. I mean, it's just not worth it. What are we, children? What is the deal with authoritarianism!? Also, the Amazon warehouse meme was a good laugh and cry this week. The thread below explains (more reasons) why I do my level best not to order from Amazon.
I over extended my brain with the computer doing this week, so it's time to have a day outside. Summer has returned, I have a date with the sunshine.

Maybe I need help?

Our moment is up. The "Do you believe doing is better than being?" question was framed to elicit a particular response. Leading questions are bad in user research, objectionable in court, and they obfuscate great importance. With my dear reader's initial framing, I guess I do believe that doing is better than being. I feel differently if we define "being" in a less negativa way, and see ourselves as always "doing" something of mass importance (e.g. helping the universe towards entropy with our efficient energy processing or being alive and interconnected with every other being, serving as an undeniable part of a collective whole whose absence would cause systemic collapse).

If I could remember the intrinsic value of life on a more regular basis, I suppose I would say it doesn't matter what we do, just that we be. FWIW my conversation on the matter continues, and my correspondent helpfully submitted the The Tao Te Ching by Lao Tzu into evidence > https://terebess.hu/english/tao/mitchell.html
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