
Maybe I'm bamboozled?

Photo by Fab Lentz on Unsplash
The productivity myth is an utter farce. We grow up hearing the myths of productive genius and are told that as long as we keep hustling, we too can be legend. We read about the routines, so balanced, so routine. 5am gym. Deep work from 9 to 12. A walk. A nap. More deep work.

We learn that eliminating small decisions will help us lead a more productive life. No one emulates the one outfit wardrobe. Here's the thing – our exaggerated productivity gurus have highly improbable lives and are more often than not about as well rounded as a cube. Yeah, they flew to space, but they also felt the need to use it as a marketing ploy. My God, imagine going to SPACE(!!!) and being at a point in your spiritual evolution where it's even possible for you to post to the Internet.

I have been struggling with my self-inflicted perceived lack of productivity because the myths we learned don't match the reality of productivity. It is productive to slow down, tend the garden and watch the bees. It's productive to contemplate and find solidarity with the rest of the life on this planet. It is productive to just be, not consuming, just searching for acceptance from those who accept you as you are. Seeking real connection. It's enough.

Some things, though, are easy to project, but impossible to truly internalize.

Maybe I need help?

I didn't have a lot to write about this week, or rather I don't feel much like writing. As is typical, I read some stuff but shared very little. Instead I was in the garden, on my bike and otherwise both enjoying my slow summer and being utterly terrified that I'll not be able to reignite my motivation ever again.

And you? Where is your mind at lately? Hit reply.
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